We provide support services for agencies and organizations engaged in collective impact, collaboration efforts, work groups, or self-directed teams.
Collective Impact - We plan, administer, provide logistical support, conduct ongoing facilitation, manage technological and communications support, and collect and synthesize data in large scale cross-sector collaborative change efforts.
Decision Support - Provide decision support for agencies and organizations engaged in collaborative efforts.
Dispute Resolution - From a neutral position, we facilitate through common and divergent interests and support constructive and inclusive dialogue intended to achieve a more ideal and shared future.
Meeting Facilitation - Convene, plan, mediate, and debrief meetings for large and small group briefings and discussions aimed to work through routine or special agendas.
Workshop Facilitation - Utilizing advance education, learning and training methodologies, we focus on existing expertise and skills of the participants to take the group through knowledge sharing and problem-solving processes.
“When people collectively come together and strategize and plan, working together and acting together, they create a power that they can effectively use in their situation to effect change.”